Latest update 27.11.24
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“Home” is the second album by Danish soloartist Anders Ladegaard. He’s joined by some of the finest musicians from Denmark, and together they create a filmic and organic sound that can be explored, over and over again. The 12 songs are a journey through different homes and the stories that emerge from them. Some of these homes are broken, some are new, and some of them are products of imagination hopes and wishes. “Home” is as personal as it is universal.
Anders Ladegaard: Vocal, guitar, bass and drums
Featuring: Lars Skjærbæk, Christoffer Møller, Gustaf Ljunggren, Michael Roepstorff, Eva Skipper, Carsten Skov and many more
ALBUM (12 songs)
Produced by Anders Ladegaard & Michael Bo Jacobsen Roepstorff
Mixed by Michael Bo Jacobsen Roepstorff
Released 2015
Watch the lyricvideo for the track “Rain” here link
Watch some short diaries from the studiosessions here link1 and link2
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ALBUM (8 songs)
Produced by Lars Skjærbæk
Mixed by Michael Bo Jacobsen Roepstorff
Released 2013
The track “Don't Put Your Arms Around Me” has received a lot of attention in Poland, after being played in it's entirety in the TV series "Lekarze", that has an average of 2,8 million viewers.
Watch the video for the track “Don’t Put Your Arms Around Me” here link
The album Small Collisions/Små Kollisioner is in many ways an unfashionable work of art. It is atypically sincere, honest and real. And it is plain right beautiful.
When the mask of irony is thrown aside, not only does it require the songs to be well written, well produced and well arranged. The songs need to possess an inherent purpose – something that can withstand the light of day and the dark of night. And Small Collisions/Små Kollisioner holds exactly these qualities. Freed from postmodern sarcasm and pretence – and justified in its honest beauty.
Under the inviting surface lurks an unresolved drama, which is populated by shadow creatures of childhood imagination and youthful nights. Never dallying, always interesting.
Thematics aside, Small Collisions/Små Kollisioner is an album where the melancholy never gets complacent, where the rhythmic craft is guaranteed, and where the borderland between art, music and poetry is always explored… as long as it makes sense. Furthermore, the albums cinematic style is strongly connected to its Nordic roots, while remaining an outlook to the world.
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My first ep as a solo artist. I played most of the instruments, and released it myself as well. Some of the tracks have recently been used for different tv productions, and I was rewarded with a talent award, back when it was released.
EP (4 songs)
Mixed by Søren Reiff
Released april 2005
Watch the video for the track “Choose” here link